What IS self sufficiency ….
ResilienceTHE PEAK OF WORLD OIL PRODUCTION – Richard C. Duncan
This link points to a web page that has had a great influence on my own thinking for defining self sufficiency. The author makes a compelling case. The frightening thing is that it was written 5 years ago. The scenarios he describes coming about between 2000 and 2030 look to be forming and under way, from my perspective.
The end result is that by 2030 be ready to live a permanent 1930-ish lifestyle. Especially, concerning energy availability.
It’s that 1930’s energy and technology level that I’m using as a benchmark when I think about my family being self sufficient. Related concepts are: what kind of businesses thrived in that environment, how did people provide food for themselves, take care of their health, etc….?
My guess is that our grandchildren will at BEST have that level of energy and technology available. Hopefully, I’m wrong. So far, that’s how it looks to be playing out.
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