Hermit's Path

TinyApps.Org : Not Yours to Give, by Davy Crockett


TinyApps.Org : Not Yours to Give, by Davy Crockett

I found the link on reddit. If this story doesn’t illustrate how much has changed in our beloved Republic, what will? And, yet, by the end of the story it’s clear that the seeds were already sown and growing from the beggining.

If we hold Davey Crockett as an example of Conservative behaviour, there are no conservatives in this country, today. Few voters and no politicians that would qualify.

There’s only one difference between Republicans and Democrats, today. The area of our lives they wish to intrude upon and regulate. Other than that, there’s not one bit of difference. Republicans spend our money as fast if not faster. Somehow, delivering fewer benefits than the Dems.

Democrats will surely try to fix that inequity next time they get a chance.

Neither believe that the government should mind it’s own business. And as far as I can tell the voters are just fine with it!

How sad. Republican voters love the Mother State as much as the Democrats.

Bunch of freakin’ sheep.


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