Hermit's Path

Finding Love in Holographic Heart Space


Your heart contains the answers your looking for. In a manner of speaking you can imagine all of reality is in your heart. Why? We are all one. Like a hologram.

Looking for love? Look inside, first.

“Life is inevitably different than we assumed after being born into it. We have this tendency to believe that there is another soul that is our singular mate. We believe that, out there, somewhere, she or he exists and is waiting for us. Nothing could be further from the truth.

“The one who is waiting for you is silently inside of your heart and she is real. As real as the print on this page. But there is a catch to this that may spurn you on to finding that “other” in physical life as well: We are not separated from each other. So when you look for your partner, find her in your heart first! She is already there! You don’t have to follow the long distance lines to find the one you love standing at your side.

The irony becomes enlarged when the day comes that the love of your life stands before you in physical form and guess what? She is the same one you found in your heart first! My point? Creating a loving relationship with you and creating a loving relationship with another person is the same act. They cannot and should not be separated.

Being the social animals that we are, finding the mate in this life is very important. Just do not forget that she is already in your heart. Connect with her there first and she will be holding your hand next. And she will be the correct one, no matter who she is. Get it? Don’t be so dense as you have been. It is not magic I speak of. It is love. That is the real magic because it is already inside of you.”

from Ayame’s Heart by D Jon Harrison

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