Hermit's Path

Social Media Meets the Law of Attraction


Six or seven years ago I began experimenting with subtle energy field meditations, the Law of Attraction, co-creating, and social media. At the time I was a stay-at-home, homeschooling dad. A lifestyle which had a certain degree of freedom as well as a bunch of limitations. I was also becoming more entrepreneurial, looking for business opportunities, and wanting to connect with interesting people.

That was also around the same time I was doing a lot of research on concepts like the Law of Attraction and manifesting. What I noticed was that most of the gurus I came across were teaching only the mental part of the process. They were teaching the use of imagination, belief, and focusing the mind. They weren’t teaching the role of the body in making direct contact with the subtle energy field.

Quick Summary:

We were talking about modern gurus only the teaching mind related aspects of co-creating. This disconnect felt odd to me from my readings of the old masters and shamans. They would often mention a specific physical sensation associated with their meditations. There was a vibration that filled or flowed through their bodies.

What they described sounded a lot like what I experienced when I worked with subtle energy. I started linking the two in my own explorations. The basic idea was to hold an energetic state where I could feel the flow of subtle energy through my body while doing various Consciousness experiments.

My feeling was, and is, that we are born into this physical reality with physical bodies. Our bodies are our little piece of, and connection to, the physical Universe and the subtle energy field that fills it. It made sense to me that we would be able to use our physical connection point(s) to have a dialogue with the Universe.

From the descriptions I came across, I figured one of the ways the old shamans and gurus were using their bodies was as antennas. They communicated with the physical universe while in a state of open connection with the energy field. In all my work of an intentional nature I began to do the same. Including, connecting with people on the Internet.

Where Does Social Media Fit?

With social media, and the Internet in general you have millions upon millions of people grouping together around ideas and topics in which they share a mutual interest. They are sharing a common focus. They are paying Attention to the same thing.

This shared attention is very powerful. You can see it in action in masterminds, when doing group energy healing, and other group consciousness projects. Groups can get stuff done, fast, in the subtle energy field!

How is this different than old media like printed publications, radio, and television? Focus. Online, people are able to form groups with a very tight focus. For example, on LinkedIn.com, people are focused on business and employment. These millions of people paying attention to business networking creates a powerful impression in the subtle energy field.

The meditation I used to attract people was direct contact with the ground using my hands while opening to the flow of subtle energy. I would continue until the physical sensation of flow and connection with the subtle energy field ceased. Then I would get up and go about my day. My intent wasn’t to meet someone in a specific manner. Any route to connecting would be fine.

While I didn’t document my meditations, I’m pretty sure that well over half the time I did one of these meditations I would get a bump in requests from people to join their networks on LinkedIn.com. Not only did I get the requests, I would often have personal contacts with those people wanting to connect with me, asking how we could do business together. While connections and requests are not uncommon when you have a LinkedIn account I noticed something else. When I didn’t do the meditations, I would go weeks with nobody contacting or connecting with me. With the meditation? Contacts within 24 hours, or less.

20 Minutes From Meditation to Results

Sometimes you can get some pretty dramatic results. One day I did the meditation and about twenty minutes after I was finished, a woman called. She found me on LinkedIn.com. We had never met, online or off. She wanted to know if I was interested in talking with her about a business opportunity!

When I did my meditations, LinkedIn.com must have been the path of least resistance for the manifestation to become reality. Since those early days with LinkedIn.com I’ve done similar meditations in other areas of my life. Most recently, with a divorce behind me, I’ve applied the process to dating sites like Match.com and OKCupid.com. Lots of people with focused attention!

I’ll write more about those experiences, later.

Attention, Attraction, and Social Media

Learning to control your mind is key to pretty much all the consciousness tools and spiritual growth. While the action is in the heart and the energy field for conscious connection and influence in the world. The mind plays the important role of making choices about goals and taking action in the physical world. As well as, at the start of the process, creating the imagery of what we want to attract.

When you imagine a goal for a few seconds and then are distracted by something else you create a weak impression in the energy field. The mind and ego can be a major cause of these distractions. Mental chaos and incessant self-talk will weaken pretty much all your efforts.

Not that what you were focusing on for those few seconds won’t come to you in some manner, at some point in your life. It may well. And you might not recognize it when it does because your focus was so weak. Instead of attracting your soul mate and living happily ever after you exchange glances with a stranger on the downtown bus. Little did either of you know….

On the other hand, when you can hold your attention with sustained focus and clarity you really can get great results. Attracting people, experiences, and other things becomes pretty simple. Some of the abilities that you begin to access can be pretty out there. Heady stuff. Often, a real ego trip.

You attract what you need to learn.

Be warned. Becoming adept at abilities like remote viewing, energy healing, intuitive reading, past life awareness are pretty normal as you grow in your awareness. Without awareness of your ego, though, you will keep repeating negative patterns in your life no matter how impressed you are with your superpowers. You will continue to attract people and events that have the potential to help you grow along your spiritual path. Some of this will be painful!

If you aren’t willing to go have a look under your own hood, instead of blaming people and circumstances on the outside, the patterns won’t stop repeating. These days, I like learning my lessons early, if possible. Moving onto the next lesson is part of the adventure. No point in sitting around in the parking lot any longer than is necessary to lace up our hiking boots!

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