Hermit's Path

5 Tips for Turning Your Vision Board into a Reality Altering Billboard


People use vision boards to bring the changes they want into their lives. Romance, health, wealth and more. The vision board is a constant reminder and inspiration. All you need to do is paste images of what you want in your life into a collage. Check out this great post by Christine Kane on how to make a vision board.
How To Use The Vision Board - The Basics**

The vision board can work in one of two ways:

If you’re interested in the second approach there are tools to make the process even more effective. You might want to experiment to see which you are most comfortable using. One thing they all have in common is they become more effective the more you practice with them. Repeated use tells the Universe you’re serious about your intent. The repetition brings the tools and your vision to life at an energetic level.

In “The Druid Magic Handbook” John Michael Greer describes this process in detail. Specifically, he writes about using simple symbols to attract complex situations. The simplicity of the symbol makes creating a strong intent much easier. The more you use the symbol the greater its effectiveness.

You can even reuse symbols. If Richard Bartlett is correct in his observations on guides and helpers in “The Physics of Miracles”, and in my experience he is, when groups of people use the same symbol or guide the results are dramatically improved.

In using these various tools you are imprinting on the universal life force. Whether or not the life force imprint is present in your life physically, yet, doesn’t matter. The stronger the imprint the sooner the physical representation will come to you.

How To Use Your Vision Board - Advanced Tools

Personally, I haven’t used the simple symbolism much. Also, I’ve found Direct Life Force Imprinting can be combined with any of the other tools for improved results.

Using entities, symbolic work space, and direct life force imprinting have been a very effective combination for me. I’ve used these processes in both my personal and business life for a number of years. What I’ve found is that I get exactly what I ask for. When I ask with strong intent and a good buzz of life force flowing through my body things happen fast. The more I’ve used the techniques the faster and more accurate the results. And I get it whether I really wanted the result or not! It’s all learning and I am grateful for the growth I’ve experienced. If nothing else you will learn to laugh and enjoy the process.

Before trying any of these techniques start simple and give some thought to the request you are about to make.

For your reference here are the resources mentioned:

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