Choices and Managing Energetic and Intuitive Connections
OccultYou make choices about where you place your attention and intention. Sometimes the choice can be very subtle. It’s there, though, if you observe yourself quietly.
Take the time to think back before the intuitive episode. What were you noticing, where were you? You may be surprised at what can trigger a reopening or waking up of a connection. Passing a place where you shared an experience, stray thoughts or who knows? Watch yourself without judgment.
Once you have identified the trigger, being conscious of it will help you manage intuitive flashes in the future. In the moment, knowing what is going on will also help you respond effectively. Letting the intuition or energetic impact pass through or decompose into non-impacting bits you can absorb.
Why the need to manage these intuitions? Learning is the main reason. They can pull you out of your center or off your path. Learning to manage energy and connection and get or stay centered and on my path is certainly part of my experience in this life.
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