Hermit's Path

Kid’s Knife Project Update


Looks like we are going to do a kitchen paring knife for our first home school knife making project. The idea is that the kids will be able to make a tool they can use to help out in the kitchen, on a daily basis.

We are going to use Custom Knifemaking: 10 Projects from a Master Craftsman
by Tim McCreight as our guide. The paring knife is the first project in the book.

For my personal project I think I’m going to use $50 KNIFE SHOP by Wayne Goddard to get started. He’s got some great looking techniques for making knives without electricity. The Damascus blades look amazing, too. He makes them with wire cable.

Hopefully, sometime in the next two weeks we’ll be getting started. I’ll keep you updated. If I can track down a camera I’ll post some pics.

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