Hermit's Path

Got your ELP plan squared away?


(More about ELP at the end of this post.)

You’re all ready. Extra food, water, a garden. The list can be endless for being prepared for the big one.

Have you applied the Wealth Test? Part of your planning should certainly include this basic test for soundness.

If you had to leave your fort/bomb shelter/farm … how long could you not go to work before the bank took it all from you?

The problem with preparations is knowing what to prepare for in the first place.

Can you afford not to go to work? If you have to go and can’t afford to commute to work you might have a problem making good decisions about your family’s safety. You can safely assume that the banks will be about the last institutions to stop functioning in any scenario you might think up.

Another is a bug out situation. How long can you bug out before you either a) have to go back to work or b)never go back at all? Because, now, you no longer own your home. Even though the threat you avoided is gone.

Worse. You won’t leave until it’s too late because you know you’re going to lose it all to the bank.

Time to think about the ELP Plan. And check out some of those links on the left sidebar. Buy one. Do it.

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